Emily Brems, LMFT
Living Well Counseling Center Director
Emily is a licensed marriage and family therapist, sex therapist, supervisor and restoration therapist who loves love.
As a relationship therapist, we might work on your relationship with your partner, your parent(s), your family, your body, your sexuality, your spirituality or even yourself. I have studied relationships all my life as a hobby, a passion, an education and now a career. I am rooted in the principles of love, safety, and equanimity. I am a relationship therapist at heart!
My current caseload is focused on working with individuals, couples, and families around the development of sexual health, body wisdom, self-love & self-trust, and becoming your most authentic self. I am grounded in a holistic approach to sexual health and how your sexuality intersects and relates to other parts of your life. Some common examples include but are not limited to: desire issues, deepening closeness and connection, sexual pain, sexual trauma, infidelity, pornography/sex addiction, cancer to the sex organs and other sexual issues.
I love teaching and enjoy my work as an LMFT Supervisor. I have the privilege to mentor Master’s Student Interns and Registered Counseling Associates. We work collaboratively and are anchored in restoring love and safety to relationships. This part of my work has enhanced my skills exponentially, and I am deeply grateful for the symbiotic nature of the supervisor/supervisee relationship. I am passionate about helping people restore peace in their relationships by building upon the foundations of love and trustworthiness.
In my spare time, I love spending time with my husband, Finn, and my amazing blended family of seven children, one daughter-in-law, and two darling grandchildren.
MCFC (George Fox)
LMFT (Oregon)
Sex Therapist and Sex Educator Certificate (University of Michigan)
Restoration Therapist Level 1,2 & 3 in progress
Dr. Terry Hargrave , Ph. D., LMFT
Dr. Neil “Nelly” Cannon , Ph.D., LMFT, CST-S
Dr. Jeffery White, Ph.D., M.A., M.Div.